E-vet Volunteer personal data modul

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If you reject all cookies, you will not be able to use our services that require you to 'sign in,' and you may not be able to take full advantage of all options. We do not collect any personal information when you apply Cookies

Bu bölümü kullanabilmek için bilgisayarinizda su ayarlari yapmalisiniz.
  • WEB tarayicinizin Araçlar Menüsü’nden, Internet Seçenekleri sonra'Gizlilik' ve 'Düzenle'yi seçin.'
  • Burada çikan ekranda 'Web Sitesi Adresi' bölümüne e-vet.org yazip “izin ver”i tiklayin.
  • Sonunda 'OK' tiklayin.
Bu bölümde kaydinizin durumunu, yerlestiginiz kampi ögrenebilir, ayni projedeki diger gönüllülerle yazisabilir, kamp yerinizi haritada arayabilirsiniz. Bu bölüm sürekli güncellenmektedir. Diyer kampcilarla yazisabilmek için email adresinizin dosyanizda kayitli olmasi gereklidir.

Dear Volunteer
You are one of 10.000 volunteer going to participate or already participate to one of 4500 projects
We would like to remind you that you can use https://www.e-vet.org/volt5 and with your login and password in your smartphone also
  • to acced to your personal data,
  • to make change on your data except name, birthday, sex
  • to see your application status
  • to add/modify your photo to let your host organization and workcamp friend to know you before you rich the project
  • to send confirmation of participation or cancelation
  • to communicate with your organization by online messaging or email or make a call
  • to communicate by online messaging with volunteer of your accepted project
  • to read and answer message received from organization or other volunteer
  • to make rating and evaluation of the project after participating

Your organization is one of 16 worldwide organization using e-vet Online placement software and we are happy to allow you to get benefit of it