Visualizza dettagli : FREE WALDORF SCHOOL (IG24-W015)

  • 01/09/2024
  • 08/09/2024
  • 18 - 35
  • Progetto di breve durata

  • Italy
  • Palermo Lolli railway station
  • Palermo
  • Pieno Pieno
  • 7
  • 30.00  EUR (pr)
  • Willing to manual work (like reparing, painting, fixing, gardening, etc). Sense of initiative is recommended.


  • The association of the free Waldorf school manages the local school inspired by the principles of Anthroposophy (more info at The school is a community of teachers and pupils� families and they all do the necessary works to maintain the school building and garden.
  • Volunteers will support the teachers and the parents of the pupils in the manual work needed before the start of the school year. Main work will be maintenance of the garden and classroom, including painting, arranging the play area for kids, repair desks, etc. Volunteers will start to work on the 3rd of Sept. (arrival day is the 1st of Sept).
  • Accommodation in the school. Volunteers will sleep in inflated mattresses in a big classroom and they will use solar showers. Lunch together with teachers and dinners self prepared by volunteers with provided food. A kitchen is available for volunteers only for breakfast and dinner. The lunch will be arranged with food cooked in advance or with cold food that don�t require a kitchen to be prepared.
  • The school is not far from Palermo city centre. Volunteers can join social and cultural life of the city during the free time.
  • Willing to manual work (like reparing, painting, fixing, gardening, etc). Sense of initiative and active contribution is recommended.

The association "Informagiovani" was founded at the end of 2001 by a group of volunteers who ran the Municipal Youth Information Centre of Palermo.
The association has the following aims: a) to promote and defend human and civil rights, with particular attention to the rights of children and young people; b) to promote the right to information and participation of young people; c) to defend social and collective rights, with particular attention to the rights of young people and students; d) to promote volunteering as a tool for social change and active citizenship.
Throughout its existence, the Association has carried out various information, training and counselling activities and, since 2006, has begun to focus its activities on promoting and developing tools for the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, also through local/international volunteering.
Since 2010, InformaGiovani is the coordinating body of a European network of youth organisations with 16 members in 14 countries.


L'associazione "Informagiovani" � stata fondata alla fine del 2001 da un gruppo di volontari che gestivano il Centro Informagiovani comunale di Palermo.
L'associazione ha i seguenti scopi: a) promuovere e difendere i diritti umani e civili, con particolare attenzione ai diritti dei bambini e dei giovani; b) promuovere il diritto all'informazione e alla partecipazione dei giovani; c) difendere i diritti sociali e collettivi, con particolare attenzione ai diritti dei giovani e degli studenti; d) promuovere il volontariato come strumento di cambiamento sociale e di cittadinanza attiva.
Nel corso della sua esistenza, l'Associazione ha svolto diverse attivit� di informazione, formazione e consulenza e, dal 2006, ha iniziato a focalizzare le proprie attivit� sulla promozione e lo sviluppo di strumenti per l'inclusione sociale dei giovani con minori opportunit�, anche attraverso il volontariato locale/internazionale.
Dal 2010, InformaGiovani coordina una rete europea di organizzazioni giovanili con 16 membri in 14 Paesi.


  • Indirizzo

    Via Sampolo 42

    90143 PALERMO


  • Phone

    Local: +393939629434

    Mobile: +39.3662385651